What is Lumbago? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A person having pain in lower back side.

What is lumbago?

Lumbago – also known as lower back pain – is a common condition that can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort, caused by different factors such as strain, posture, and injury. If you’re suffering from lumbago, it’s important to understand the cause of your pain and the treatment options available to you. This article will explain everything you need to know about lumbago, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Common Symptoms

The symptoms of lumbago vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain. However, the most common symptom is lower back pain. Other symptoms are:-

a) Muscle spasms

b) Stiffness

c) Difficulty in moving

d) Pain may radiate into the buttocks or legs.

It can range from mildly uncomfortable to very painful. In severe cases, it may make it difficult to stand or walk.

What causes lumbago?

There are many possible causes of lumbago. Main reason is the overuse of the lower back. Other main causes include

a) Lifting heavy objects

b) Sudden movements

c) Poor posture

d) Sitting or standing for long periods of time

e) Other possible causes include arthritis, osteoporosis, and herniated discs

Treatments For lumbago

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and any factors that may have contributed to your pain. However, common treatments are include

a) Physical Therapy

b) Medications may help relieve pain and inflammation

c) Heat : To reduce inflammation and pain

d) Ice: To reduce swelling and pain

e) Exercise: Recommended to help improve overall mobility and relieve pain

Can lumbago be prevented?

There is no sure way to prevent this , but there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of developing the condition. These include :-

a) Maintaining good posture

b) Avoiding repetitive motions

c) Lifting heavy objects properly

d) Maintaining a healthy weight can also help to reduce stress on the muscles and joints in the lower back

e) Practicing Yoga

When should you see a doctor ?

You should see a doctor if your symptoms persist for more than a few days or if they are severe enough to interfere with your daily activities. You should also see a doctor if you have any red flags symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in your legs or feet. These could be signs of a more serious condition such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.